Morning, lovelies! Most exciting announcement this morning for you all. Ready? It’s our shiny new vendor guide!! We’ve been toiling away to make this an even more awesome place to find who you’re looking for, whether you’re a bride looking for the perfect photographer, or a floral designer excited to connect with couples who share the same aesthetic. Plus we’ve added some exciting new features for all of you, both vendors and their potential clients!
(Above photo by Ashley Kelemen Photography | See all photographers here >)

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, no? It really is! For only $150/year it’s the very best deal going in our awesome industry, and think of this… if you book just ONE client through our guide in the next year, it will be the best advertising money you’ve spent. AND we’re offering $50 off your first year for new members if you sign up within the next week! Use the code 100LC50OFF to sign up in a jiffy right here >
Hello, totally fresh new look! Plus we’ve reorganized how you can search for vendors, which we think will make is waaaay easier to find the people you’re looking for. Maybe most importantly (for you vendors out there), you can now associate your portfolio with as many locations as you like! And we’ve added more specific cities and states so that couples can search for people in their *exact* area. For example, you can now search for photographers in Los Angeles, in addition to photographers in all of Southern California. Jazz hands!
*Side note, if you’re a member of our guide, make sure you add your cities to your portfolio so that people can find you in the new, more specific way.

Our new portfolio design lets vendors show off their work in a clean, modern way and highlights social links as well as 100 Layer Cake blog features too. We think couples will love connecting with the perfect vendor for their wedding style here.

(Chic Weddings in Italy | Heather Waraksa Photography)

(Beau and Arrow Events | See all event designers here >)

We also wanted to take a minute to give a big shout out to one of the most awesome parts of our vendor guide. If you haven’t already, meet Event Service Requests! What is this, you ask? It’s a place for couples to post requests for a particular part of their wedding (photography, for example), and let guide members bid on the request. You can see an example below, post your own request here, or bid on jobs in your area by browsing here.

(Above photo by Ash and James Photography.)

(How gorgeous is Cal-a-Vie in Northern San Diego? See all venues here >)

We’re pumped to introduce our new Promo Board, where our guide members can post special offers, like the examples shown above and below. For our brides and grooms, this is the perfect place to scoop up a sweet deal for your wedding! Katie Rebecca Events has a great promo below, as you can see!

(Above work by Petitserif Calligraphy | See all calligraphers here >)

(Beautiful bride shot by Esther Sun Photography.)
So brides and grooms, pop over and search our community of amazingly talented guide members! Or let them find you by posting an Event Service Request.
Wedding vendors, if you’re a member of guide, now would be a great time to update your portfolio so you can make the most of our new features. If you didn’t receive the email we sent out last week, you can read a detailed description of our new updates for you right here.
Everyone, good luck connecting with each other! As always we welcome feedback of any kind and would love to hear how our site can be of more use to you. Email us at support {at} 100 Layer Cake {dot} com.